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Oauth token endpoint



Oauth token endpoint to generate access token


Header Parameters

    Authorization string

    Required for confidential application, JWT bearer token for jwt-bearer grant or basic token for other grant_type


    grant_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [authorization_code, refresh_token, client_credentials, urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer]

    assertion string

    Required if grant_type is JWT Bearer Grant

    scope string

    Scopes that will be granted to JWT, space delimited, default to client application's configured scopes

    tenant_connection_code string

    Use with jwt-bearer or client_credentials, tenant connection code that client application wants to access, default to application's tenant if not specified

    refresh_token string

    Refresh token that will be used with grant type refresh_token

    code string

    Authorization code, required for authorization_code grant type

    redirect_uri string

    Redirect uri used in authorization code flow, required for authorization_code and refresh_token grant type

    code_verifier string

    Code verifier needed for Authorization Code Flow with PKCE

    client_id string

    Client id is needed for public application (SPA, mobile app) if authorization header was not used




    access_token string
    refresh_token string

    Refresh token will be returned or not depends on grant_type

    token_type string

    Access token type (Bearer)

    scopes string[]

    The scopes that the token has

    expires_in int64

    Token expires time in seconds
